The easy-to-install Forte Carbon Sprit Kit includes everything you need: a beautiful clear painted carbon fiber sprit, your choice of easy-to-mount deck hardware and a robust outboard end fitting.
Size & Pricing GuideForte offers four sprit kit sizes to accommodate your boat. The carbon fiber sprit tube will actually be engineered and built to your specific requirements. Because of this, the OD of the tube is not set in stone; the laminate (wall thickness) may be a little thicker for heavier boats or boats carrying more sail area.
We recommend you maintain a 50/50 ratio of unsupported length to supported length. For example if you have 6’ of unsupported pole sticking out past your forward mount, then you will want to have another 6’ of pole to your aft mount. Your total pole length in this case would need to be 12’.
** If you’re just starting to plan out your sprit kit – grab a piece of PVC tubing of similar size to your sprit and lay it out on your deck where you think you will be mounting the sprit. You will be amazed at how much stuff you have to plan to get around, over, through and in-between **
The Forward mount is a “saddle” style mount which is machined from a Black Delrin block and includes threaded stainless rods and mounting hardware to easily secure the block to the deck. The idea behind the Black Delrin block is that it is relatively easy to work with if you need to adjust the height or cut a curve into the bottom. You can see in the picture below the saddle mount was cut to fit over the tow rail.
The Aft mount can be your choice of saddle mount (identical to the forward saddle mount), or a removable deck eye. The removable deck eye screws into a plate that is mounted in/on the deck. The aft end of the sprit has a machined receiver block that fits over and pins to the removable deck eye. This allows for a total clean deck when the pole and deck eye are removed.
Either on deck with a receiver tube to allow the pole to slide in and out or go all out and have it installed through the hull, we can provide the sprit, bearings, receiver tube and mounting hardware. Or buy the just the carbon sprit and fabricate your own custom mount.
Forte can engineer a custom sprit for almost any application.
Give us a call or shoot an email to discuss your ideas!